Financial support of the work and mission of the Church, as the body of Christ, is part of the Christian life. All Saints is not endowed. Therefore, the operation of the ministry depends solely on the pledged tithes and offerings of the faithful. All Saints asks people to prayerfully consider filling out a giving card each year so that the Church can estimate its budget for the next year. All Saints is fiscally responsible and does not run deficit budgets.
Memorial Funds allow people to make contributions to the Church in memory of a departed loved one. Unlike operating monies used to pay salaries and utilities. Memorial Funds are spent on making the Church more beautiful and enhancing worship.
Acknowledgments are always sent to family members of the deceased, documenting a gift was given and by whom (amounts are not mentioned).

Benevolence Funds are for those ministries not otherwise covered by the All Saints' operating budget. These funds generally provide emergency assistance to members in need. Like all contributions, contributions to the Benevolence Fund are tax-deductible.